Tuesday, December 04, 2012

change sender in email

easier way

export EMAIL=newsender@domain.com ; mutt -s "subject" destination@domain.com < /dev/null

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

trigger in sqlite

given a field called last_update datetime in the table log
a couple of triggers solved the need of keeping track of the last update time automatically inserted in the record:

create trigger log_ins after insert on log
  update log set lu=datetime('now') where rowid=new.rowid;

create trigger log_upd after update on log
  update log set lu=datetime('now') where rowid=new.rowid;

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Installing Fedora 16: you have not created a bootloader stage1 device

I was getting this message when trying to install Fedora 16 as a Virtual
Machine in VMWare,

In the default installation I had an "autoinst.iso" as the primary
optical drive and the actual ISO as a secondary

Removing the primary (replacing it with the actual ISO) solved this issue